Omar KEF Gad, Hassan H Eltatawy, Mohamad S Hanteera and Ahmad G Zoeir
Purpose: This study was conducted to define the association between ED and COVID-19.
Data sources: Through a search and review of the Medline databases (Pub Med and Medscape) and male genitourinary system, erectile dysfunction information through 2023, and Coronavirus disease 2019.
Study selection: A comprehensive examination of the erectile dysfunction and male genitourinary system information available through 2023 was conducted using the Medline databases (Pub Med and Medscape) and Coronavirus disease 2019.
Data extraction: Studies that failed to meet the predetermined inclusion criteria were omitted. In evaluating the quality of a study, factors such as obtaining ethical approval, defining eligibility criteria, implementing appropriate controls, providing adequate information, and establishing well-defined assessment measures were considered. Using a data collection form, we independently extracted data from each eligible study that pertained to the outcomes of interest to us.
Conclusion: COVID-19, a coronavirus disease pandemic, has the potential to negatively impact the sexual and reproductive health of males and females alike. This may occur via systemic, psychological, or immunological effects.
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